domingo, fevereiro 12, 2012
DeLillo, Cosmopolis, Cronenberg, Pattinson - voilà
depois daquela estranha master class muito lost in translation, gentilmente, a mtv enviou-me um mail a dizer que cosmopolis ganhou um prémio, MTV Movie Brawl 2012, e que a participação de robert pattinson foi, segundo parece, decisiva.
e, parece-me, que não podia deixar de o ser, o filme é ao mesmo tempo a concretização/demonstração prática da ideia/estado do mundo consumista/desiludido/entristecido que somos que DeLillo escreveu, não tenho aqui o livro senão transcrevia aquela procissão noturna para o concerto do rapper, e do que se dizia.
MTV: David, thanks for talking with us! Have you been filled in on what's happened with "Cosmopolis" over here?
David Cronenberg: You know, I've been following it! I'm shocked! I'm shocked and amazed and really tickled. It proves that movie fans are unpredictable and really interesting and really passionate. It's fantastic. I would have never, ever imagined that this would happen.
MTV: Clearly, there is a lot of interest in this movie, seeing that it came out ahead over movies like "Dark Knight," "Twilight" and "Hunger Games." There is a lot of attention on Rob, of course. Can you talk about your experience working with Rob, and the kind of actor you found him to be over the course of shooting "Cosmopolis"?
Cronenberg: He's terrific. He deserves the affection that the fans have for him. He's incredibly sweet, he's very funny, he's very bright and he's also very knowledgeable about cinema. Not just movies but the history of cinema. He knows a lot about it. He's just a sweetheart. And he's totally professional. He's always right there. We had a lot of fun shooting [the movie] because, as I say, he has a great sense of humor. We just played a lot. I think that's a really great tone that's set for everybody on the set. The lead actor has a really big influence on the tone of the shoot. If you've got a guy who's very difficult and neurotic or whatever, they can't help but affect everybody's day. But Rob is not like that. He's just a ray of sunshine. In fact, he's in absolutely every scene of the movie, so obviously his temperament would have a huge influence on how the shoot went ... and it was a dream. It was a beautiful shoot.
MTV: Well, something close to 6 million votes were cast in this tournament, and almost 4 million were cast in this final poll alone. The numbers do not lie.
Cronenberg: That's fantastic. That's just great. That's just great.
Cronenberg, claro, mostrou surpresa.
posted by Luís Miguel Dias domingo, fevereiro 12, 2012