A montanha mágica

sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2010

I want to let go of...
the fear that God has abandoned us all...

Eleni, Athens, Greece

I want to let go of...
my stereotypes of people


I want to let go of...
the fear of not being loved and accepted

T, thomasville, ga

I want to let go of...
feeling unloveable, unworthy


I want to let go of...
what happens to me... and focus on..
what happened to HIM...

Melanie, Hawaii

I want to let go of...

Kirsten, venice

Audrey Burke: Why wasn't it you, Jerry? Why wasn't it you?

I want to let go of...
Past pain...

Scott, Brooklyn

I want to let go of...
loving someone that will never love me
as much as i love him

Olivia, New Mexico

I want to let go of...
memoris,fears, sadnes...

Alexandra, Brasov

I want to let go of...
my inability to let people in

Daniels, AZ

I want to let go of...
All my hanger towards the people who have hurt me...

Samantha Carson,

I want to let go of...
the fear of failure

Dawn, California, USA

I want to let go of...
a dysfunctional marriage

Dawn, California, USA

I want to let go of...
my hanger towards God for taking so
many of my lovedones away from me

Keilon, Washington, DC

I want to let go of...
My need to know if love will turn out the
way i hope it will

Denise, Seattle

I want to let go of...
the fact that i may never know my

Tish, West Palm Beach, FL

I want to let go of...
The belief that i will fail

Kim, Copenhagen

I want to let go of...
the guilt of knowing that if only if i
hadn`t let him, he would still be alive

Mel, London

Citações de 100 caracteres cortadas do site de um dos bons... não, de um filme muito bom do ano 2007, whatever is holding you back, let go of it today, sobre o qual pouco se falou/ouviu/comentou. Comprei-o um destes dias a menos de dois bilhetes de cinema, sei, sei, onde também o vi.

A realizadora é dinamarquesa, Susanne Bier; o My Blueberry Nights também é de 2007.
Tudo o que perdemos no fogo, Things we lost in the fire.

posted by Luís Miguel Dias sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2010

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Destaques: Tomas Tranströmer e de Kooning
e Brancusi-Serra e Tom Waits e Ruy Belo e
Andrei Tarkovski e What Heaven Looks Like: Part 1
e What Heaven Looks Like: Part 2
e Enda Walsh e Jean Genet e Frank Gehry's first skyscraper e Radiohead and Massive Attack play at Occupy London Christmas party - video e What Heaven Looks Like: Part 3 e
And I love Life and fear not Death—Because I’ve lived—But never as now—these days! Good Night—I’m with you. e
What Heaven Looks Like: Part 4 e Krapp's Last Tape (2006) A rare chance to see the sell out performance of Samuel Beckett's critically acclaimed play, starring Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter via entrada como last tapes outrora dias felizes e agora MALONE meurt________

São horas, Senhor. O Verão alongou-se muito.
Pousa sobre os relógios de sol as tuas sombras
E larga os ventos por sobre as campinas.

Old Ideas
