quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007
Cyclops: "I don’t want to sound paranoid," said McEnroe, "but that machine knows who I am."
Nastase knelt before Cyclops, stared it in the “eye” and told it that it was made in Russia.
De Jamea Jackson ao Whoooooooaaaa ao the players accepted the results with equanim ao “It’s killing me”. “What is happening is madness, a pure waste of money,”.
Hawk-Eye’s British inventor Paul Hawkins a PhD in artificial intelligence
It’s Hawk-Eye’s bad luck that its moment in the sun this summer was an atypical one: when Federer, during the Wimbledon final, said the machine was “killing him” and asked that it be turned off.
Hawkins was surprised that the machine’s biggest contribution to tennis was entertainment, more than accuracy. Next year, he hopes spectators at the US Open will be able to vote electronically from their seats on whether they think a ball was in. A caminho de THX 1138.
18h02m: Chakvetadze acaba de enviar dois beijinhos ao olho de falcão. Ontem vi um episódio extraordinário dos The Simpsons (episódio 6 da temporada 9) em que Bart, Lisa e Homer abraçavam com muito carinho o televisor. Quiçá?
posted by Luís Miguel Dias quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007