quarta-feira, setembro 19, 2007
Guardian and Observer Ainda não tinha lido nenhuma das melhores entrevistas do século passado, assim apelidadas pelo guardian. Ouvi dizer, um dia destes, que os ingleses já são mais chauvinistas do que os franceses. Ouvi. Li ontem. Duas: a de Marilyn Monroe e a de Marlon Brando. Minto. Li mais. Também há estas. Há sempre mais.
"that's not where I live"

Sometimes wearing a scarf and a polo coat and no makeup and with a certain attitude of walking, I go shopping or just look at people living. But then you know, there will be a few teenagers who are kind of sharp and they'll say, "Hey, just a minute. You know who I think that is?" And they'll start tailing me. And I don't mind. I realise some people want to see if you're real. The teenagers, the little kids, their faces light up. They say, "Gee," and they can't wait to tell their friends. And old people come up and say, "Wait till I tell my wife." You've changed their whole day. In the morning, the garbage men that go by 57th Street when I come out the door say, "Marilyn, hi! How do you feel this morning?" To me, it's an honour, and I love them for it. The working men, I'll go by and they'll whistle. At first they whistle because they think, oh, it's a girl. She's got blond hair and she's not out of shape, and then they say, "Gosh, it's Marilyn Monroe!" And that has its ... you know, those are times it's nice. People knowing who you are and all of that, and feeling that you've meant something to them.
"And listen! Don't pay too much attention to what I say. I don't always feel the same way."

"Because," he resumed, "I've seriously considered - I've very seriously thought about - throwing the whole thing up. This business of being a successful actor. What's the point if it doesn't evolve into anything? All right, you're a success, you're welcome everywhere. But it doesn't lead anywhere." He rubbed his chin with the towel, as though removing stale makeup. "Too much success can ruin you as surely as too much failure."
"You know, it took me a long time before I was aware that that's what I was - a big success. Then, when I was in Streetcar, and it had been running a couple of months, one night - dimly, dimly - I began to hear this roar. It was like I'd been asleep, and I woke up here sitting on a pile of candy."
posted by Luís Miguel Dias quarta-feira, setembro 19, 2007