A montanha mágica

sábado, abril 22, 2006

Garimpeiros (12)

Dead Count:

Episode #18:

Doris: Throat slit by Wolcott, who was enraged over her betrayal of his secret to Tolliver.
Carrie: Throat slit by Wolcott.
Maddie: Throat slit by Wolcott after she pulled a pistol on him and demanded money, following the murder of Carrie and Doris.


(Up in Al´s office, He´s preparing to meet the public. Straightening his suit, he looks up to Dan and Johnny. Dan paces around the desk next to Johnny, looking critically at Al.)


(Dan opens the door, E.B. and Trixie stand, Tom Nuttall, Alice Isringhausen and Silas Adams all are waiting between them.)

Trixie: I´m going in.
EB: Then why am I in first chair?
Trixie: Anyone else suck his prick?

(Up in Al´s office, it´s Trixie´s turn with Al...)

Al: How´s the Jew-fucking going?
Trixie: (smoking) It´s alright.
Al: What does it add to my understanding?
Trixie: He´s meetin´ with the widow this morning--spoke to the other of formin´ a bank, and of her in that connection.
Al: Who´s the fucking "other"?
Trixie: Fucking Bullock.
Al: My sensibilities do not need coddlin´ either.
Trixie: (shaking head) It´s no concern for you. (Ashes her cigarette) I don´t like naming the cocksucker. Anyways, that may be it´s purpose, his sittin´ down with the widow.
Al: The Jew? (Trixie nods) I hope you´re getting paid for the pussy. Don´t put a price to it, you´ll lose their respect.
Trixie: He´s teachin´ me accounts.
Al: That´s all right then. Learnin´ is like currency to them.
Trixie: (Widens her eyes) He stares in my eyes when he fucks me, longing-like.
Al: Jesus Christ.
Trixie: (Studies Al) You don´t look so bad.
Al: Yeah, next thing to up and about.


(It´s night time now, Merrick and Mary walk back along the thoroughfare to his print shop.)

Merrick: Lot, before God, could make no case for that food.
Mary: Lot´s wife may have been in that food. (Lot´s wife was fed to Wu´s pigs? Huh.)
Merrick: Over salted as it was.
Mary: Mm-hmm.
Merrick: (laughs) I took that to be your meaning.


(Back at the Chez Amie - not so friendly now is it? - Cy is looking upon the carnage, dabbing his mouth with a handkerchief. What I´m sure is feigning disgust at the sight.)

Cy: (gags a bit - breathes deep) The chief fact is, no witnesses are extant.
Wolcott: The other madam was here - once when I came out. Uh, Joanie Stubbs.
Cy: Before you did this? (Waves the handkerchief, motioning to Maddie´s body)
Wolcott: Yes. When I came back out, she was gone.
Cy: Was she ever in the bedroom?
Wolcott: No.

(Cy tucks the handkerchief in his coat pocket, pulls up a chair, sitting backwards in it - facing Wolcott.)

Cy: Don´t worry about the other madam. Go to the hotel. Eat, if you can stand the food. (Wolcott looks at Cy.) This will all be took care of. I told you, Mr. Wolcott, all´s I can´t provide is the cliff. (Wolcott looks down.) Go on now, get outta here.


Fields: (To Steve) Do you believe that God can act through a nigger?
Steve: God does not want you to kill.
Fields: Do you believe that God would let me feel mercy toward you that tarred me and fucked his horse?
Steve: I do. But I did not fuck the horse. (What would Eric Clapton say? "I fucked the Sheriff, but I did not fuck the horse?")
Fields: Would you go hence in gratitude, if you received mercy (looks at Hostetler) in this stable?
Steve: I would.
Fields: Write out "I fucked the Sheriff´s horse." Then we´re gonna have him sign it.
Steve: I didn´t fuck the horse.
Hostetler: (writing) "I fucked-"
Steve: I jerked off. I came on his leg.
Fields: Would you sign off on that slight exaggeration to keep from getting your fucking head smashed in?
Steve: Yes.
Fields: Would you bless colored folk and God that´s father to us all?
Steve: I would and go hence in gratitude.


Calamity Jane: "I woke up on the ground in a fucking graveyard pondering: dusk or dawn?"

Deadwood Transcripts

posted by Luís Miguel Dias sábado, abril 22, 2006

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