quinta-feira, maio 13, 2004
WILLEM DE KOONING : A Centennial Exhibition
Legend and Fact, 1940
More tempests than Lear and Moby-Dick put together. Hysterical weather reports from some outer galactic fringe, accessible only to Hubble telescopes and art historians - such as John Mekert, who wrote the catalogue for the 1984 retrospective: "The creative force of eros has merged with the flux of a shapeless magma of light and unbound matter drifting towards congealment into form." Yikes!
"There is something about being in touch with the sea that makes me feel good," he remarked to an interviewer in 1978, a few years before his death. "It is the source where most of my painting comes from." The sea, the mother.
posted by Luís Miguel Dias quinta-feira, maio 13, 2004