quinta-feira, setembro 25, 2003
Exhibition "Mark Rothko: A Centennial Celebration"
Mark Rothko in his West 53rd Street studio, c. 1953, photograph by Henry Elkan, courtesy Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Rudi Blesh Papers ;Mark Rothko, Untitled,1948, Collection of Kate Rothko Prizel.
"In their manifesto in the New York TimesRothko and Gottlieb had written: "We favor the simple expression of the complex thought. We are for the large shape because it has the impact of the unequivocal. We wish to reassert the picture plane. We are for flat forms because they destroy illusion and reveal truth." By 1947 Rothko had virtually eliminated all elements of surrealism or mythic imagery from his works, and nonobjective compositions of indeterminate shapes emerged."
posted by Luís Miguel Dias quinta-feira, setembro 25, 2003